Community Partner: Letter of Support Request Form

Letters of support show industry backing and prioritization for research projects that are fully funded. Funding bodies often require evidence of industry-wide support for new research initiatives or technology development. BC Dairy represents all dairy farmers in BC and so is often requested by applicants to substantiate the need and applicability of a proposal. If you are applying to an external funding body and would like your proposal reviewed for industry support (without requesting funding support), please use this form to request a letter. 

If you have already submitted a research funding application to BC Dairy, there is no need to request a separate letter of support. A letter can be provided upon approval of funding. 

Requests are reviewed on an on-going basis, but must be received at least four weeks ahead of the funding submission deadline.


BC Dairy will consider support for projects that are local, regional, or national in scope, as long as they clearly identify benefits to the dairy industry. Issues of importance to the dairy industry include: BC Dairy research priorities, other BC Dairy priorities,  emerging issues affecting the dairy industry or dairy producers, or that propose a new opportunity/innovation that would be of great value to dairy farmers.


  • The request must be received at least 4 weeks prior to the funding submission deadline
  • Include a clear summary (no more than 1000 words), including:
    • Funding program requirements, 
    • Project description, 
    • Applicability to the dairy industry, national, provincial, or regional, based on the BC Dairy strategic plan and/or research priorities
    • Partners and status of support; and 
    • Budget
  • A brief description of the investigator(s) knowledge and experience in the area of research in question must be provided
  • A draft letter of support, including a list of the benefits/reasons why the project would be of interest for the dairy industry, must be provided.

Upon review, more detailed information or a copy of the final full funding application may be requested.

Contact for additional information or with any questions.

Create an account or log in if you have an existing account to complete this Application